能登 sama 的声音具有极大的惯性,转不过来,听起来很业余哦。比起其他故意唱得不准的歌(比如剑心 TV 的第一个片头曲)显得很不顺耳。似乎如果要唱歌的话还需艰苦的培训啊,或者干脆就是不适于唱歌。
作为声优,她沙沙的声音听起来很有别样的感觉,虽然还算不上最好听,感觉。就我看过的动画里面,唯有铃(《犬夜叉》)、八云(School Rumble)和のどか(《魔法老师》)比较适合于这个声音。她的声音也许太具特色了吧,于是不能给所有的角色配音。不过还是喜欢听到她的声音,能在声优排行 Top10 中看到她,也有种欣喜的感觉。希望她能再接再厉,要么把唱歌基本功练到位,要么扩展声音的特色(向林原 sama 学习!),要么就专著于给具有那种特别性格的角色配音。不然很有可能变成一个没有特色的人物。
update: 能登 sama 居然那么年轻……
Star Wars databank 上面说的:
Lightsabers have changed little in the thousands of years of their employ by the Jedi Knights. Those who believe the Jedi order began on the ancient world of Ossus point to the abundance of Adegan crystals in the system as proof. These crystals are ideal for the creation of lightsabers, as they focus the energy released from a saber’s power cell into the tight, blade-like beam. Early lightsabers did not have self-contained power cells, and were instead connected by a conducting cable to a belt-worn power pack.
Once unleashed, the power channels through a positively charged continuous energy lens at the center of the handle. The beam then arcs circumferentially back to a negatively charged high energy flux aperture. A superconductor transfers the power from the flux aperture to the power cell. As a result, a lightsaber only expends power when its blade cuts through something. So efficient is the blade, that it does not radiate heat unless it comes into contact with something.
The blade’s color depends on the nature of the jewel it springs from, and while its length is fixed in the case of a single-jewel lightsaber, lightsabers equipped with multiple crystals can have their length varied by rotating a knob that allows the focusing crystal activator to subtly modify the refraction pattern between the gems.
With the Sith long believed extinct, lightsaber dueling occurred only within the practice chambers of the Jedi Temple. To a Jedi, a lightsaber is not just a weapon. It is a means of concentrating attention and becoming attuned with the Force.
- 一般认为个体拥有支配大能的能力是细胞内含有大能素(有其他的叫法)这种亚细胞生物。该种生物的多少决定其宿主支配大能的能力。
- 大能素随着宿主细胞分裂能进行复制,以便能分配到新的细胞中。大能素的复制能力有限,且在所有宿主生命体细胞内的复制能力相当,所以分裂后产生的新细胞中的大能素和分裂前的没有什么变化。这意味着受精卵中大能素的多少决定了日后宿主的能力。
- 人类的细胞细胞核所占的体积不大,所以认为大能素主要存在于细胞质中。
- 人类繁衍时有精子带入父亲的遗传物质。但是精子本身包含的细胞质的量少的可怜,所以不会携带太多的大能素。相对的,卵细胞含有丰富的细胞质物质。所以母亲体细胞的大能素的多少是决定性的。
基于这个假设,能力的遗传具有明显的母性遗传特性。前传 I 中魁刚问安纳金母亲安纳金的父亲是谁就变得没有道理了。安纳金之所以具有超凡的能力而其母亲没有,是因为出现了罕见的变异。而路可和利亚的能力不及他们的父亲也就可以解释了。还有,路可和利亚的后代中只有利亚的应该具有较高的能力。
ps. 不过如果把能力解释为特殊分子与大能的共鸣而引导大能发挥作用的话,那么大能素分子就不限于只存在亚细胞生物内了,也可以附着到 DNA 分子上去。如果是这样,那么能力的遗传就不具有性别区别了。